Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lead Generation For Local Businesses

Most people are searching online when they are looking for a service in their local area. Every local marketer wants some new leads and sales. Lead generation is a good area to focus for your local business. To capture leads of your local customers, you can use coupons, surveys, trials, and discounts. Here I will tell you the best ways to generate more leads to maximize your business benefits.

Blogging: If your have any new products to launch, you can write about your products on your blog. You need to expand your keyword research and add those keywords into the article that your customers used to find your product.
You can talk about the benefits of your product, how they can use it, or some interesting thing about your product that will drive them to your website.

Testimonials: You can service your 3 to 5 clients for free or with very little cost and get written or video testimonials from them. You can use classified advertisements, both free and paid, to find the people who are searching for your product and services.

Consistent NAP: You need to be consistent with your name, address, and phone numbers. Your site can be the best citation source, so you can take advantage of this. Consistency is noticed by search engines, and they will rank you. Customers in your local area will be able to find you very easily.

Contact Form and Surveys: You can create a contact form with a strong call-to-action like “Check out More,” “Free Tips,” and other things to engage them and collect leads.

You can also use surveys to better know your customers. You can ask question about their interests, allowing you to know what your customers’ needs are. Surveys will help you know your customers’ behavior and purchasing power. 


Social media is a great tool to build a relationship with your audience. You can control and reach your entire customer base. You can set up a blog, event, and page to present yourself on social media. You need to claim your profiles on social media platforms with correct and up-to-date information about your local business.

You can update your profiles on Google Places, Yahoo local, Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook, and others. It is a convenient interface that allows you to communicate with your audience.

Facebook is the most important social media platform for local businesses. You need to keep your followers engaged with your original content that will generate more likes and comments.

You need select “Local Business or Place” for your page and fill in complete information about your local business. This will resonate with your targeted audience.

Google+ attaches a personal reputation to your local brand and indexes your local business review quickly. Having a Google+ page for your local business and utilization of Google Maps can increase your search engine ranking and traffic.

When you complete your Google+ profile, your local business will appear at the top of personalized search results for your local demographic. It will increase your brand recognition in local search.

Twitter is a contextual social media platform. Tweets and capitalization on trending hashtags can increase your potential customer’s connections. Set up a Twitter account and use it to promote your business and connect with your fans and customers. You can use advanced search to find business and people near you. You can tweet about specials offers and coupons.

LinkedIn adds credibility to your business. Failing to have a LinkedIn profile raises some negative perceptions. LinkedIn is another place where your consumers can find about your brand and products.

Foursquare is free and easy to set up for your local business. It keeps track of your fans and check-ins. You need to make sure that your address and contact information is correct, so that it will show you on maps and searches.

Its More Than SEO, Its SMO : Social Media Optimization.

Lead Generation and Relationship Building All At Once.

Here's To Your Finest Life,
Tara Woodruff
The Main Street Champion

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is There an ROI with Local Marketing?

One Thing is SURE: Your Customers are LOOKING for You, They Are looking in their PHONE! You will LOSE MONEY if you are Not utilizing Local Marketing!

Will I See a Return On Investment?
Yes, you You Will!. You need to make an effective online marketing strategy for your local business online when you have a low budget. If your marketing process is planned and implemented correctly, you can see amazing result with less investment. Here I will give you the ways that will cost you the least and make big bucks for you.

1.       Trade Ad Space: It is simple to implement. You can exchange your ad space with other local businesses in your community; with this you will be able to place ads with other websites in your local area.
This will increase your local traffic from your targeted area and decrease the amount of money you spend on Pay-Per-Click. More traffic to your website drives more sales and revenue.

2.      Content Marketing: You can write articles and blogs to help your local customers. This is a free way to increase local-market traffic to your website using country, city, or state names in your content with the specific keyword that consumers used to search over the web
Your topic should be focused on one topic with a strong call-to-action. You need to use an engaging title and images to capture customers’ attention and make them read further.

3.      Advertisement: You can advertise your products and services with Facebook ads, Google AdWords and other classified advertisements. You can use two types of advertisement like Free Advertisement and Paid Advertisement.

Learn FB ppc Here

4.      Paid Advertisement: You can use Facebook ads, Google AdWords, and PPC campaigns to advertise your local business. This advertising can reach more people in your targeted area than traditional advertising. You need to add a keyword in your ad headline and a call-to-action and graphics in your ad copy to make it interactive. When all these come together in your advertisement, it will force your consumers to click through and buy from you.
5.      Free Advertisement: You need to think differently when advertising in your local community. There are so many websites available that accept links, banner ads, and text ads for free like Craigslist and US Free Ads. You can create a single advertisement and post it on all the free sites and keep updating. This will drive more clicks and sales on your websites.

6.      Videos: You can leverage your local marketing strategy with video. Search engines give priority to video and rank them faster than articles and images. Youtube, Vimeo, Vine, and many more will help you create a video and upload it to your website.
Learn How To Market Using YouTube Here

You can show your customers the level of your product quality. You can also demonstrate your products with video. You need to include headlines with researched keywords and clear and concise messages with a strong call-to-action. It will boost your rankings and send traffic to your websites. 

Download My Free Local Marketing Mastery Report NOW

Here's To Vibrant Local Economy,
Coach Tara
The Main Street Champion

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10 Powerful Ways to Market Your Small Business ONLINE

10 Powerful Ways to Market Your Small Business ONLINE

There are many ways to attract customers with the use of LOCAL MARKETING, here are 10 to get you started. 

1.       Understand the search: It’s important to be visible in different local engine searches like Google, Bing, etc. But at the same time, for small businesses, it is equally important and beneficial to show up on local search engines, e.g. local.com, City Site, etc.

2.      Build up a business website: Yellow pages are usually not used by local businesses. They go online. You don’t have to be more detailed or specific, but you have to provide the basic, local details correctly, such as address, phone number, fax number, services, etc.

3.      Advertise Online: Local online advertising really works, which is why the use of targeted ads is estimated to more than double this year. Many companies work to create ads and then optimize them. This can help you establish your brand online. The more you are visible, the more you become popular.

4.      Use location-based services: You can help customers find your business in location-based services like Google Places, Facebook places, FourSquare, etc. This is very simple and is an easier way to drag the customers to your doorsteps.
Four Square

5.      Try “group deals”: They are a great way to attract customers. Group buying websites like “Group-on” and “Social buy” offer discounts for a limited time on local products and services. Businesses sign up with the services and then share profit with the site.

6.      Optimize your listing: Add some photos, a description of your product, offers, deals, coupons, directions or maps, etc. Most sites lets you do this for free. Try to make most of your listings on review sites.

7.      Manage your reviews: Read your product feedback and try your best to respond as soon as possible. Clear out the negative feedback quickly, so that your business image does not get spoiled. For seeking the advice on responding to reviews, visit Yelp!

8.      Engage: This is the biggest benefit of local tools. Engagement always plays a powerful role in online marketing. Interacting with your customers helps in establishing friendly and long-lasting relations. It can help you increase your sales.

9.      Experiment and learn: Find out what worked and what didn’t. Try out the tools, track the performance of each, and then fine tune it accordingly. Experimenting and then correcting always helps with achieving perfection.

10.   Get listed on ratings and review sites: Usually customers check out the review sites to find out where to shop and where to buy. So get listed on Bing Local, Rate Point, Insider pages, and in important niche-review websites. This can improve your popularity and branding.

Please Leave Me a Comment! I Aim to Deliver the Best!
Here's to Main Street!
Coach Tara
The Main Street Champion

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Local Marketing Power Tools

Local marketing is a very important marketing platform for local businesses to increase sales and leads. It gives the ability to capture the attention of local customers for the local businesses in that particular area.

As most people like to purchase locally, you need to keep your local online marketing outstanding. Here are some vital tools to leverage your local marketing.

1.       Yodle: If you run a local business, Yodle will provide you more customers with less effort. It will provide you-all-in-one affordable marketing solutions. Yodle will build a website for you and list your local business on 50 directories.

Yodle tracks every visit to your store and records the call. It also provides a mobile-friendly website for your business. As 78% of consumers’ purchase decisions are impacted by online review, it automatically posts your positive reviews on your website.

Your business will be found on all major search engines. Yodle will help you create and send mail, and it will also help you create and maintain your Facebook business page. You can distribute your special offers where it matters most. 

1.       Boostability: If you want to boost the online presence of your local business and get greater numbers of qualified leads, you can choose Boostability. It will put your local business on the map.

Boostability local online marketing lists your local business and ranks it high on all popular search engines to help your consumers find your business.

 Boostability also locates your business on Google Places, Google Map, and local business directories. You can boost your local awareness and earnings and rank your business above your competitors. 

1.       SYCARALOCAL: SycaraLocal is local SEO software program that manages your local presence online. SycaraLocal checks your name, address, and phone number to ensure accuracy of your local business information across important directories that will help your customers find you.

It saves time with auto-generated reports to make your marketing strategy more effective. You can take advantage of your competitors’ efforts to improve, yourself. You simply need to provide the name and address of your most direct local competitors, and SycaraLocal shows you where they’re found and you’re not.

SycaraLocal ranking data will help you understand your business visibility and map your business to increase the accuracy of you information in seconds.

1.       Brightlocal: Brightlocal is perfect for agencies, local business owners, and consultants. It uses seven unique tools:

Local Search Rank Checker monitors your local search performance and tracks most-valuable keywords and locations in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Local SEO Check-up gives you a complete local SEO report. Each report covers 6 areas of local SEO, including Google+ Local, On-site SEO, Social media, local directories listings, off-site SEO, and a local search-engine-ranking report.

Google+ Local Wizard optimizes your Google+ profile and searches for keyword that are more competitive offering the best opportunity to position yourself on the top.

CitationTracker creates a list of the most valuable citation sites for your business, lists them, and keep track of your submissions as you make them.

ReviewFlow is an online tool that automates and monitors online reviews on major review sites & local directory websites.
ReviewBiz buttons make it easy for your customers to add reviews on your website. You can connect your business with local directories and Google+ local, and it will boost your local ranking.

CitationBurst submits your local business to hundreds of directories & citation sites only in just one round! Brightlocal analyzes millions of Google+ Local citation sources and has a unique database of over 1,600 high-value citation sites.

These are Just a FEW resources available For YOUR Community. Consider This:

When local economies are dependent on only a few major sectors, they are vulnerable to changes in outside markets. When people do not meet their own needs locally, money immediately leaves a community. This stunts community development on all levels. [ reliableprosperity ]

Taking Back Main Street,
Tara Woodruff
The Main Street Champion
Local Marketing Mastery

The Mind ReSet Coach: The Do's and Dont's Of Local Marketing

The Mind ReSet Coach: The Do's and Dont's Of Local Marketing: The DO’S 1.        TARGET: Your product should meet the needs of an extensive group of customers, but it’s clear that you cannot targ...